Thursday, 16 December 2010

Idea for our four-legged friends...

Dog food posters positioned around parks that are scented with dog food and emit a high frequency sound that only they can hear.

How did you...

Web based music video - This is simply astonishing! I cant imagine what this took to create?

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Website WIP...

I know, I know... This really is what it will look like.

Latest work...

One of our idas for the upcoming movie

*Maybe not an award winner, but I thought I'd keep things up to date...

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Monday, 6 December 2010

Latest work... Almost

Some online ideas for HiPP that never came to fruition. To quote a gruffly cartoon character "Next time gadget!"

Latest work...

Almost mac'd up, but in the mean time here are the lovely scamps, fresh from the oven.

Work in progress...

A sneak peek at some work we are currently doing for The Green Hornet, due out early next year...