Thursday, 16 December 2010

Idea for our four-legged friends...

Dog food posters positioned around parks that are scented with dog food and emit a high frequency sound that only they can hear.

How did you...

Web based music video - This is simply astonishing! I cant imagine what this took to create?

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Website WIP...

I know, I know... This really is what it will look like.

Latest work...

One of our idas for the upcoming movie

*Maybe not an award winner, but I thought I'd keep things up to date...

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Monday, 6 December 2010

Latest work... Almost

Some online ideas for HiPP that never came to fruition. To quote a gruffly cartoon character "Next time gadget!"

Latest work...

Almost mac'd up, but in the mean time here are the lovely scamps, fresh from the oven.

Work in progress...

A sneak peek at some work we are currently doing for The Green Hornet, due out early next year...

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Oh dear...

The Old Spice ads were great.
The Suns parody is bad.

Bad acting, no presence... wait, before all that guffin why do it at all? a parody of a funny ad ends up being a bad rip off. Who thought this was a good idea?

Monday, 8 November 2010


A really nice set of illustration, made all the better for the limitations.

Friday, 5 November 2010

I wonder how many we've racked up so far?

Love eeeeytt!

Latest work...

Another day, another app...

Latest work...

A Facebook app due to be popped in any second now...

Image searching has it's perks...

Like this one...

All this talk of albums...

...Has given me an idea.

A portfolio within a CD case, complete with album art, inlay (Work), track listings (Clients/Work) and the CD would contain the PDF copy... Also Download the album for free at P.P.P

*The more I think about this the less I like it...

Album covers...

A selection of album sleeves from an parallel universe where my friends are musicians...

"Skipping stones and moody blues" - Chris West "The Lesley Beans" - Jen and Serch
The Best of... Nick John Ford


New website is actually done... we've been talking about doing this for years, a few more tweaks and were there...

Monday, 25 October 2010

Goodbye my portable pal...

On the birthday of the Apple iPod, Sony announced the death of the Walkman... Its funny to think that children even now ask "what's a cassette tape?"

Our original coach journey friend has passed away...

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Easy A...

Another online campaign for Sony Pictures, really enjoyed this one.

The Social Network...

We worked on the online campaign for this movie a few weeks back... Looks like a great film

Monday, 13 September 2010


I know too many of these people.


Another selection of posters that I collected. Some nice bits and bobs

Classic posters for classic movies...

A series of fantastic posters produced for the titles releases in the cinema.


Been here, did that... We came up with this exact same idea and execution about 6 months ago. Small world eh?

Eat Pray Love...

The concepts and finished MPU for the movie adaptation of Eat Pray Love.

Move the mouse closer to the MPU to blow away the flowers and reveal trailer. the closer you move, the more the petals disperse.